Freelance Illustrator, muralist, sign and window painter. also known as GOO.
Monday, December 20, 2010
We were galloping manic...we were swallowing panic.(jullian)
Norman Rockwell study. based off of the painting 'freedom of speech." That guy was one naive patriot. But goddamn...some painting skillz. Quick and simple piece. This is one of three twelve by twelve canvasses with similar designs. comment if you want to see the series together. anyways, It`s based off of a photo I took on a ridge in the Little Belt mountain range. beautiful, beautiful, place and a great hike. Velociraptor :) I wish I could make a living drawing exclusively dinosaurs. Leo DaVinci Study. Pen and ink is so goddamn fun. The rest of these are just sketches. Good not seein ya, readers :) sleep tight and, well, fuck off.
I love these pen and inks. Well done, and saturated with feeling and introspection for the viewer. Little Belts and the one that looks like a man and himself in a misty mirror are my favorites.
I love these pen and inks. Well done, and saturated with feeling and introspection for the viewer. Little Belts and the one that looks like a man and himself in a misty mirror are my favorites.